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Boarding Your Animal

For months, taking care of my pet was really, really challenging. It seemed like my animal didn't like listening to what I wanted it to do, and it was a constant struggle. As I thought about what to do, a friend of mine suggested boarding the pet to help it to learn important behavioral techniques. It was a new idea to me at the time, but I didn't have much to lose. I boarded the pet for a few weeks at a training facility, and when I got the dog back, things had dramatically improved. Read this website for advice on pet boarding.



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Boarding Your Animal

Just Adopted A Second Dog? 3 Tips For Keeping Up With Grooming

by Rosa Gomez

While it may have been easy enough to care for the grooming of your dog on your own, it can become much more difficult to manage after you've adopted a second dog. With how much extra time must be spent on grooming with two dogs that could vary in their grooming needs, you may need to start looking into what can be done to make sure that the grooming won't be a major problem.

Instead of rushing into getting any grooming done or struggling to keep up with the grooming needs for your dog, consider the following tips for making it much easier to keep your dog's well groomed.

1. Schedule Grooming Periodically

When you have two dogs, the frequency of grooming them can become much more often due to the amount of hair that can build up in your home. Picking a date and frequency to take care of grooming can ensure that your dogs are groomed well and that you don't postpone any grooming. Instead of putting off grooming due to laziness, you can have a schedule that you stick to that will make keeping up with grooming easy.

2. Have the Right Grooming Done

Depending on the breed of your dog, their needs for grooming can differ quite a bit than what you're used to. If your dog has long hair and your other dog has short hair, they won't need to be groomed in the same way. This is also true depending on the time of year due to the difference in temperature and what kind of haircut they need to be comfortable.

Instead of rushing into getting just any grooming done, it's best to do some research on what kind of grooming would be best suited for the breed of your dogs.

3. Rely on Professional Grooming

As you get ready to take care of grooming for your dogs, you may find that the time needed for grooming them can be more than you're capable of handling. If this is the case, or you're just uncertain of your skills, it may be best to rely on a professional for grooming. Getting grooming services taken care of by a professional can ensure that both of your dogs are well groomed and that you're not making any mistakes for their grooming.

When you've just adopted a second dog, you may be unsure of what's involved in keeping them well groomed. With the above tips in mind, you'll be able to take care of grooming your dogs without any uncertainty over how they're cared for. Contact dog grooming services near you today for an appointment. 
