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Boarding Your Animal

For months, taking care of my pet was really, really challenging. It seemed like my animal didn't like listening to what I wanted it to do, and it was a constant struggle. As I thought about what to do, a friend of mine suggested boarding the pet to help it to learn important behavioral techniques. It was a new idea to me at the time, but I didn't have much to lose. I boarded the pet for a few weeks at a training facility, and when I got the dog back, things had dramatically improved. Read this website for advice on pet boarding.



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Boarding Your Animal

4 Benefits Of Professional Dog Grooming

by Rosa Gomez

When you send your dog to the groomer, he comes back looking clean and handsome, sometimes with an adorable bow adornment. You know that seeing your canine friend groomed makes you happy, but you might not know that it benefits your dog as well. Here are four ways your dog benefits from being professionally groomed:

1. Grooming gets your dog used to being handled.

Professional grooming is a great way for your dog to get used to being touched and handled by different people. Although this may not seem very important on the surface, it could save your dog's life in the future. Veterinarians are best able to do their jobs when dogs remain still and calm during procedures. Sitting through a grooming session is great practice for your dog.

2. Grooming can rid your dog of fleas.

Fleas can make your dog extremely uncomfortable. If you notice your dog scratching or biting himself all day, or if you notice small red bites on your feet and ankles, your dog probably has a flea infestation. A professional groomer can give your dog a bath using medicated shampoo designed to kill fleas. They'll also carefully brush your dog's fur using a flea comb to get rid of any lingering bugs. Your dog will be so relieved when he doesn't itch anymore. Just remember to vacuum your house and wash all your dog's bedding so your dog doesn't get reinfected afterward.

3. Grooming can get rid of the dog smell.

As much as you love your dog, sometimes he doesn't smell very good. According to PetMD, dogs smell because of the natural oils on their skin as well as the yeast and bacteria that can accumulate on their coats over time. Although it's natural for your dog to smell like a dog, the scent can get overwhelming if it's left unchecked for too long. When you take your dog to the groomer, he'll come home smelling clean and fresh.

4. Grooming can improve your dog's joint and hip health.

Professional groomers don't just wash and brush your dog's fur; they also clip your dog's nails. Long nails can be the cause of poor posture in dogs, since it can cause them to slip and slide on hard surfaces. Having your dog's nails trimmed can improve his joint health by allowing him to walk and run more naturally.

These are just a few of the reasons that your furry friend can benefit from dog grooming services. If you'd like to secure some of these benefits for your dog today, make an appointment with your local dog groomer.
