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Boarding Your Animal

For months, taking care of my pet was really, really challenging. It seemed like my animal didn't like listening to what I wanted it to do, and it was a constant struggle. As I thought about what to do, a friend of mine suggested boarding the pet to help it to learn important behavioral techniques. It was a new idea to me at the time, but I didn't have much to lose. I boarded the pet for a few weeks at a training facility, and when I got the dog back, things had dramatically improved. Read this website for advice on pet boarding.



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Boarding Your Animal

3 Ways To Prepare Your Dog For Boarding

by Rosa Gomez

Boarding your dog shouldn't be stressful. Instead, the right dog-boarding experience should be fun and safe for your dog, giving you peace of mind so you can go on vacation without any worries. Creating a stress-free dog-boarding experience does require a bit of preparation, however, especially if it's the first time your pup has stayed at a boarding facility. Here are three ways to prepare your pet for dog boarding that will make the entire experience as easy and fun as possible.

Start With Doggy Daycare

If there is still some time before your trip, a great idea is to sign your dog up for a day (or even just a half day) of doggy daycare at the boarding facility. This will help your dog get used to the new environment, to being around so many other dogs, and to the staff. You can most likely even watch your dog on the doggy daycare webcam, which will likely ease your mind as you watch your dog having so much fun. This familiarization will make leaving your dog for a longer amount of time feel less stressful.

Choose the Right Dog Boarding Facility

Take the time to research your options before choosing where to board your dog. Read reviews, visit the facility in person, and meet the staff. If possible, go on a tour that shows the play areas as well as the secured area where your dog will sleep at night. Choose a facility where the staff seems to genuinely love dogs and where the dogs do not seem stressed out. Some dog boarding sites accommodate older and smaller dogs by providing a separate, more low-key play area, so look for this feature if it will be beneficial to your dog.

Remain Calm the Day Of Drop-Off

Dogs tend to pick up on their owner's mood, so try to remain calm and upbeat the day you drop off your dog. Bring along his favorite blanket, bed, treats, special toy, etc. (if the dog boarding facility is okay with this) to help your dog feel as comfortable as possible. Don't give in to the urge to make a big deal of saying goodbye. A more casual drop-off will let your dog know that there is nothing to be worried about.

Taking the time to follow these tips will ensure your dog has the best possible experience their first time being boarded.
