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Boarding Your Animal

For months, taking care of my pet was really, really challenging. It seemed like my animal didn't like listening to what I wanted it to do, and it was a constant struggle. As I thought about what to do, a friend of mine suggested boarding the pet to help it to learn important behavioral techniques. It was a new idea to me at the time, but I didn't have much to lose. I boarded the pet for a few weeks at a training facility, and when I got the dog back, things had dramatically improved. Read this website for advice on pet boarding.



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Boarding Your Animal

How To Use A Pet Kennel

by Rosa Gomez

Pets need food, shelter, and lots of love and attention. Pet owners can provide these things on a day-to-day basis, but sometimes other important things pull owners away. A sudden family emergency, a conference, or even a vacation can necessitate long-term travel. When life calls, pet owners can keep their pets safe, secure, and happy by boarding them at a pet kennel. Here are some tips that will help you take advantage of pet kennels:

1. Find a kennel that serves your species of pet.

Pet kennels serve a variety of different pets, from dogs and cats to small animals. However, not every kennel will accept all animals. Many kennels specialize in a particular species. For example, you can find dog kennels and cat kennels that cater to these animals. When looking for a place to house your animal while you're away, you should start your search by finding places that accept the species you own.

2. Visit the pet kennel in person.

Before leaving your pet at a kennel for an extended stay, you may want to visit the facility in person. Bring your pet with you to allow them to familiarize themselves with the environment. Many pets are less nervous about kenneling once they've had an opportunity to get used to the facilities.

3. Tell the kennel attendants about your pet's needs. 

Communication is key for a great pet kennel experience. Since your pet can't communicate their needs, you will have to do it for them. Tell the pet kennel attendants a little about your animal while checking them in. You can note your pet's likes and dislikes, along with any quirks they might have. Most people who work at pet kennels love animals and want to ensure that your pet has a good stay, so any information you can provide will be very welcome.

4. Provide any medication or special items that your pet will need.

Some pets take medication to manage chronic conditions or require special food or toys for their health and comfort. Many pet kennels will be willing to accommodate these needs, but you will need to provide the necessary items. Bring your pet's medication and any special food they require to the pet kennel on boarding day. You'll also want to provide a written list of instructions regarding scheduling and dosage for their medication. You can be assured that the kennel attendants will ensure that your pet receives everything they need during their stay.
